4 Ways to Adopt Healthier Eating Habits This Year

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

You vow to yourself every single year that you are going to be healthier and happier, no matter what. By the time early February rolls around, you haven’t achieved any of your goals and you’re (okay I’M) eating pizza on the sofa every single night. You realize that you might be setting unrealistic goals for yourself, so you’re determined to do it right this time around. In order to get the most nutrition out of your food, you need to know how to cook it correctly. Spend a little time doing your research about cooking healthy and wholesome meals. You might not be getting enough nutrients if you’re simply eating lettuce leaves and raw carrots. If you’re still stumped about where to start, consider the following four ways to adopt healthier eating habits this year.


  1. Get Prepared in the Kitchen

You aren’t going to be able to cook delicious and nutritious meals if you don’t have the correct equipment. If you tend to stick to microwave and oven-baked meals, you might just be missing a trick. Take a look at these made in cookware reviews and you will soon be able to discover the best utensils, pans, and pots to make your kitchen feel complete (I seriously can never have enough kitchen utensils). Every healthy person has a kitchen stocked full of fancy gadgets and simple staples, so be sure to fill up your cupboards with everything you need right now!

  1. Add Things in Rather Than Take Them Out

Try not to think of healthy eating as a method of restriction (because it’s not!). Cutting out your favorite foods isn’t going to get you on the right path, so consider what you can add into your diet instead. Fresh, leafy green vegetables, fatty acids, and rich protein will make you feel more energized and ready to conquer all of your goals.

  1. Quit Dieting

Make sure you aren’t viewing this lifestyle overhaul as a fad diet (or a fad diet as a lifestyle change), as this could potentially damage your relationship with food. Don’t cut out entire food groups and don’t try to survive on meal replacement shakes and bars. Make sure your new lifestyle is sustainable and is nourishing to your body. It’s so easy to get caught up in the yo-yo dieting mentality (trust me, this is my biggest problem), so try to steer clear from anything that sounds too good to be true (because it is).

  1. Allow Yourself the Occasional Treat

You should never restrict yourself from having treat (or fun meal full of carbs) every now and then, otherwise you’re going to drive yourself bananas. A little slice of chocolate cake or a donut a couple times a week isn’t going to hurt you. A healthy balance is all you need to enjoy a wholesome and happy lifestyle.

Eating healthy will always feel like a chore if you’re not prepared ahead of time. Stop cutting out all the foods that are supposed to be “bad” for you, and explore new delicious flavors that are really going to improve your wellbeing. You will be on track with your goals in no time as long as you’re not too hard on yourself. As annoying as the saying is, moderation really is key.

  • What hinders your healthy lifestyle?
  • What helps your healthy lifestyle?

Disclosure: this post was a collaboration. 

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