4 Tips to Make Your Home 'Green'

Posted on the 15 November 2012 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

The concept of eco-friendliness is already widely spread all around the world, so if you follow its green living principles, you won’t be one of the few but rather one of the concerned ones. Opening your eyes and choosing to get involved no matter how you choose to do so is already one step ahead to a greener future in the face of the generation that will follow. Here, the idea of sustainability interferes, or comes hand in hand with the environmentally friendly approach – as a more suitable presentation of the situation. When deciding to go green, the idea of unification instead of separation is what we all as inhabitant of our planet should strive for.

Each and every one of us can give his/her contribution to the Earth we live on. If everyone does something small at first, it will lead to something big as an overall result in the end. Baby steps can develop into significant ones which will eventually make a difference. A way for you to become part of the cause can be achieved by doing little things without even having to go out of your home. Try them out, and once you get used to doing them, you’ll realize how easy they are and that they don’t require much effort on your part.

In the Kitchen

Washing dishes is an activity that certainly belongs only to the kitchen. Turning the process into a more ecologically efficient one requires you to give up your habitual way of washing them. No more dishwashers if you’re willing to save energy. This is a task that can be done by hand. Also, you should rather soak them first instead of using running water on them. By soaking the dishes, you use the same water for all of them as opposed to individually washing each dish. It may not look that way, but you’ll save a good amount of water.

By buying less food, you’ll be sure that you’ll consume all of it and that nothing will go to waste. Stock up on whatever you’ll be able to eat throughout the week. The point is to have less food to dispose of. If you happen to notice that the food in your fridge is frozen when it’s not supposed to be that way, lower the temperature. If where you live the winter is very cold, you can even turn the fridge off for the sake of energy-saving. Your electricity bill will like that, as well as your budget. Cleaning and organizing your kitchen can always be performed in eco-friendly way.

In the Living Room

Forget about the air conditioner. It’s time to part with it and replace it with a simpler appliance. This is when the good old fan comes to save the day, and your family money bank. At this point, you may feel that you’re going back to the past, denying all modern inventions, but this is how it has to be if you decide to truly commit to the green living idea. Instead of turning the heat up to the point where you walk around with a T-shirt and shorts in the middle of winter, lower it down and put on a sweater, sports pants and fuzzy socks. Now, all the paper that you receive in your mail can be cut down to minimum if you make a few calls to the companies that spread them and decline their service. Checking your bills online will significantly reduce this kind of papers in the mail you get.

In the Bathroom

Bathroom is all about water, so guess what we’ll be saving here? What you can do while being in the shower is turn if off when you lather up. If you have the habit to just sit there for an hour looking in one point and thinking about your future, here’s what you have to do: shower faster! This way, you think about the future of the planet by saving water. This method of not using water when you don’t have to can be also applied while you’re brushing your teeth. While you’re running the bath waiting for the water to warm up, you can gather it in a container and use it on plants or pour it in your pet’s drinking bowl later.

In the Bedroom

Instead of a traditional incandescent bulb for your nightstand lamp, use a CFL or an LED one because they last longer. When your phone is fully charged, unplug it from the socket. Be ‘green’ and don’t leave it charging all night.

Image source: http://www.ltgov.bc.ca/gardens/images/garden_roses.jpg