4 Surprising Tips To Survive Breaking Up With Your Partner

By Mike Dernerk

Just because your relation with your partner did not work out, it is not the end of the world. There is always a new beginning for what ended for you. Sometimes break-ups can be very heart breaking and messy. Most of the time, people regress back to adolescence in a break up and cause pain and suffering that is actually unnecessary. Never forget life is full of surprises, there is some thing better waiting for you. Here are some tips and tricks to ease the suffering and be will on your way to a better life, which will make you stronger to handle the situations before you.

Tip One – Start Dating Again

It is the single most effective tip to get over a break up. There’s no need to hurry for getting into a relationship, but if you have had a bitter breakup, then it’s advisable to meet new people who make you smile and make you feel awesome. You can start partying, have fun with friends or visit parks in order to make yourself busy. You need to remember that an empty mind is a devils home, so avoid sitting lonely at home when you just had a breakup.

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Tip Two – Do Not Make A Mistake Of Acting Needy

Firstly, the best way to help yourself is to cut off all the ties after break up, don’t keep on crawling over it now and then.  Although breaking up with your partner is a challenging experience especially the longer you have been together. It would not only hold you back from moving on in life, but also you might miss your Mr. Right or Miss Right. We are habitual creatures and it is difficult to make a change from in a relationship to single. So, do a favor to yourself, take the initiative to cut off all phone calls, email, and especially visiting your ex.

Tip Three – Pay Attention To Yourself

Give yourself sometime to deal with the separation. Everybody would like to get over it and move on in a shortest span of time. You need to grant yourself time to recover from the emotions that you feel. The more time you allot for yourself, the more possible it is for you to overcome the breakup.

Tip Four – Discuss With Your Family Or Friends

Don’t get into the past by remembering the good times you had as then you might tend to call up and try to make things work again, and three months down the road you are going through a break up again. Stop being foolish, and be strong enough to tackle it with ease. Don’t let negativity control you. This is the best time to hit up the friends. If you have mutual friend, explain your side of the story to them. This will relieve any awkward moments and they won’t feel like they need to make a choice between you. Get yourself relieved off it by sharing with your friends and family. Trust me they are the best people to help you out!

Further reading:

  • How to survive a break-up – Menshealth.co.uk
  • 10 Things You Must Do After a Breakup – Cosmopolitan.com