4 Superfluous Beauty Products You Really Don’t Need

By Null Null

Consumerism is at an all-time high. Most of us are victims to its lure (including yours truly!) so it’s about high time we put our foot down and take control of what we buy. There are 5 beauty products that yes, you actually DON’T need, save for some very specific circumstances. Even then, it’s questionable – there’s always a cheaper alternative, or one you can do it yourself.

Lip scrub 

Dry, flaky lips are a common problem regardless of the weather. Your diet and hydration levels can affect your lips, but most of us simply use a lip balm. That helps.. temporarily. Then we’re back to biting and scraping and it becomes a never ending, painful cycle. Lip scrubs are supposed to remove the flakiness and leave your lips smooth and supple, making lip balm even more effective.

But why pay 10.00, 20.00 or even more for a tiny jar that really just consists of sugar or some other gentle abrasive, moisturizers and a hint of flavor? That’s ridiculous. Just make them yourself! I personally love coconut oil and brown sugar, so this awesome DIY lip scrub recipe from Honestlywtf is a dream. We all have coconut oil, honey and brown sugar in the house, so this is a low-cost/nearly free way to get your lips back into kissable condition.


Toners.. do you need them, or not? Those with oilier skin like the extra feeling of cleanliness and even those without just like the extra refreshing feeling (or just revel in seeing those dead skin cells on the moistened cotton pad). Some skin care experts argue that toner is unnecessary if you simply use the right products.  Some products leave residue behind, leaving your skin feeling unclean. Others claim that there are alkaline products that unbalance your skin’s pH level (skin is on the acidic side), leaving you needing to re-balance with an acidic toner.

I have oilier skin, but I never use a toner. I don’t feel I have to. My cleansers usually do the job right the first time. But, if you feel you must use one, either opt for a gentle toner or make your own! Try this beautiful DIY facial toner recipe that uses rose petals and distilled water from NoobCook.


Foot cream

I actually laugh when I see foot cream products. Sure, the skin on your feet’s thicker and rougher than your hands or the rest of your body, but a separate product just for your feet is still absurd. Hand creams and certain body butters are formulated to be just as thick and rich as foot creams, so why not use those? Make your products do double duty!

You can also use a thick body butter or body oil to moisturize your feet instead. I like using thick butters such as Nourish USDA’s Softening Body Butter or 100% Pure’s Hand Creams. Soften your feet with a soak and thoroughly scrub them first, which makes it easier for the cream to absorb into the skin. Slater on your favorite cream, then cover your feet with plush socks and leave overnight. You’ll get super soft feet the next day, and all without spending extra unnecessary bucks!

Pure butters like shea butter and cocoa butter also work well. You can also use a petroleum jelly alternative with multiple uses, like Beeseline.

Leave-in Conditioner

Most of us don’t need a separate bottle of leave-in conditioner. Most of these are in liquid form and are normally sprayed on the hair for both detangling or used daily for extra moisture. The concept is great – you just don’t need to purchase an entirely separate product for it.

Detangling is best done with a wide tooth comb and in the shower, while using your actual conditioner. If you feel you need the extra hydration after towel drying your hair, I recommend using an oil like coconut or argan. Smooth it through damp hair. You can also use it after it’s dried and styled for extra shine and moisture. Drier hair types can use more. Finer hair can use less for that healthy sheen.

However, if you must use an actual leave-in conditoner, try Original Moxie’s Everyday Leave-in Detangling Conditioner.