4 Apps For Organizing Your Business Cards

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
Want-it Wednesday: 
Normally, if attend an event or meeting, more than likely you are going to collect some business cards. If you are going to a conference (like I am this week), you are bound to get a pile of business cards. Over the years I have tested several systems to minimize, organize and digitize business cards. Some of been good and taken forever to maintain while others have been bad, useless and left in a pile never to be looked at again. It's an endless cycle, so it's time to take control and put that technology to work by utilizing your smart phone to do a lot more than just tweeting and texting. 

So here's four apps that I can put my thumbs up on to help you put those valuable contacts to work for you! While none of them do everything I want, it certainly beats hand entering business cards or adding them to my pile-that-never-gets-done box (see above.) 

1. CamCard
Probably my favorite, this one let's your scan the card, add it to an online "rolodex," export it to your regular contacts and then throw it away (no more piles!) While there's a free edition it limits the number of cards you can upload at a time. For just a few dollars, you can have the access to the app full-time (which is the way you'll want it after a conference and motivated.)

2. Bump When the iPhone launched, everyone was into "Bumping..." when they meet someone. However, this app has so many other things it does as well like sharing documents and even works with your laptop now (haven't tried that!) I really think this makes it super easy to share contact information, but you'll have to rely on the other person having the app, which may take too long. Honestly, every conference should require you have a QSR code on your nametag and it will take care of everything - you'd just scan them all and have them in your database immediately. (Hint, hint #BlissDom!)
3. CardFlick While this one doesn't have the clout that the other apps included in this list have, I can tell you, I'd wish it would. One of my favorite parts of business cards is getting to see the design and personality of the company or person I am speaking with. CardFlick allows you to have a digitally designed business card that you can "flick" (like Bump) with others. Unfortunately this app hasn't taken off yet, but if it does, I'll definitely have my business card ready for flicking! 
4. WorldCard Mobile Lite Until CamCard this was the way I uploaded my business cards. It works reasonably well although like any scanner, specific fonts and sizes are difficult to read and don't always convert easily. Available as both a free and paid version (with more options), this is a great app for you to organize your business cards with a few different options than CamCard. What I liked about CamCard is that it made it easier to export each contact immediately to my phone book as well as the user layout. 

What's your favorite business card app? Please share!