3X Immunity for a Healthy Child

By Anupamapnb @divallista

Health is the top most priority is one's life and parents are always concerned about their children health issues and often worried about - the kid does not cage back home when raining outside, eats unhealthy pizzas, burgers, is anaemic, is malnourished, does not eat fresh vegetables and fruits, always has a running nose or choked throat especially this harsh winters. Parents are always in a search of something that gives their kid immune to fight with all the problems and then comes - Dabur Chyawanprash - a boon to every parent! 
Years ago, our ancestors lived for 100s of years, with no signs of aging and bad health. Ayurveda, was a boon to good health for ages. The ancient system of Indian medicine helped people to stay healthy from within, which reflected in their lifestyle. With the ages passing by, the food, water and environment started to get contaminated and so was a change in the lifestyle, which had its impact on the health. The impact got added up from generation to generation. And with the revolution in the industrialization and modernization, the impact got multiplied, in last few decades.

At present competitive world, though we can't get the lifestyle back, which our ancestors lead, we can definitely make changes in our eating habits, which would help us maintain our health. So all you need is a spoon of Dabur Chyawanprash in your diet. Dabur Chyawanprash is scientifically proven to provide 3 times immunity that helps fight virus, flu and infections, its a trusted remedy for cough and cold for a majority of Indian household. Its magnificent brew of Ayurvedic herbs strengthens the body’s natural defence mechanism by stimulating your NK cells (Natural Killer Cells). NK cells assist in fighting with virus and bacteria in your body, thus giving us increased immunity from various infections. And of-course you need not run behind your little brat to feed them, as Dabur's exciting flavours like mango and mixed fruits, that is very mouth watering and in sugar-free variant for diabetic and health-conscious people. 

My childhood experience

When I was a kid, I was prone to getting cold and cough very easily and often fell sick and had to skip my school and tutions. My parents were always worried about my health and medicines did a temporary benefits on me. My mother was very much tensed and my aunt (who is a pediatrics) suggested my mom to try Dabur Chyawanprash - for instant relief from all the problems. After continuously having a spoonful once a day for a month increased my immunity power and I never had to skip my school and enjoyed with my friends wholeheartedly. 

Today its been years but my mum's favorite Dabur Chywanprash is still one of my compulsory supplement in my daily routine. I have never taken any multi-vitamins tablets or tonics, just a tbsp of Dabur Chywanprash does it all! I would recommend this to every mother and my dear friends to try out and see the results on your own. 

This post is written as an entry for Indi-Happy Hours Campaign,” A Healthy Child Makes A Happy Home”, in association with Dabur Chyawanprash and Indiblogger.in