30 Things Series #1: 20 Random Facts About Myself

By Zenparenting1 @ZenParenting1
As part of the 30 Things My Son Should Know About Me series, I give you the first post - 20 random facts about myself.
1. Sometimes, if I have a gnarly boog and you're still latched on but asleep (read: I cannot move), I'll pick and flick. That's right, I started with a grody one.
2. I believe I could live on cheese and bread only.
3. I sometimes look at those little shoes on the shoe rack and just melt, because there was a time not too long ago when I never thought I'd see such things in my home.
4. Fuck is my favorite swear word.
5. I can touch my tongue to my nose. I practiced long and hard to attain that skill. When I'll ever need it, no one knows.
6. I don't miss Zen Parenting on Facebook.
7. I've given away a few of your books that I especially loathed reading. There was nothing wrong with them, I just didn't like them. Sorry.
8. I can make a mean dinner, but I suck at making breakfast.
9. I wish I didn't have as bad a temper as I do. I'm working on it, but probably not enough.
10. I worry. Often. About too many things to list.
11. In regards to #10, I'm sorry, in advance, that you have to carry the load of caring for us in our old age all on your own. Siblings would've made this much easier.
12. I started running, loved it, got injured, cried because I feared I'd lose my motivation and, yup, sure enough...it's gone. I'm actively searching.
13. I brush your teeth more often than I brush mine.
14. I know I'm not the best I could be and I'm so sorry.
15. One of my favorite things is doing chores with you.
16. I often feel guilty, because now that I have you, I'm not as good an aunt as I used to be. I wouldn't change anything with you, but I wish we could be closer to your cousins.
17. I just noticed how often I feel guilty about myriad things. Huh...
18. Tired + PMS + hungry = Lucifer-mama
19. I have no very few real friends.
20. My heart grew three sizes the day you were born.
There you have it. Post one. Check! And now you know...