30 Lessons in 30 Years

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic

I have the privilege to be 30 years (and 2 days) old today. With the arrangement of my wonderful husband I was able to spend my birthday on a solo adventure to NYC, where I got to catch up with some friends from highschool and see Hamilton the Musical! I've been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack for months, and I can't think of anything better I could have done to celebrate the big 3-0. Here's a little video from my time in NY:

I'm older now, and I suppose that means I'm also wiser. Here are 30 lessons I've learned in 30 years. 
1. You don't always know what's best for you. 
2. When you're comfortable it's time to raise the stakes or move on. 
3. Take life one contraction at a time. 
4. No one will look out for you like you look out for yourself, so look out for yourself. 
5. You can teach yourself a lot with Google. 
6. You have to empty your trash. 
7. You can't please everyone. 
8. It is completely acceptable, and fun, to go places by yourself. 
9. The hard times don't last forever. 
10. Have life plans, but be flexible. 
11. You have to take time to disconnect. 
12. Trust your instincts. 
13. There is no rule book to life. 
14. A good relationship takes work. 
15. You'll never be happy if you constantly compare yourself to others. 
16. You'll never be happy if your criticize yourself constantly. 
17. You have to embrace adulthood, because there is no way you're going back to being a child. 
18. Breaking from routine gives some of the greatest moments in life. 
19. Take risks. 
20. Test boundaries. 
21. Don't live in the confines of someone else's success. 
22. Laughter really is the best medicine. 
23. If you need to cry, cry. 
24. A closed mouth don't get fed.  
25. You have to get uncomfortable to succeed. 
26. There is only so much you should do for "exposure" - get paid for your work. 
27. Do something for YOU every day. 
28. Don't let the expectations of holidays and special days drive you crazy. 
29. Enjoy the little things in life, they are more bountiful than the big things. 
30. Be you, unapologetically. 
What life lessons have you learned?