Mum was busy cooking a Quiche (yes, really!) and so I offered to go and hang out her washing for her. I hate touching wet clothes so this was definitely not something I liked doing but I liked helping my mom and see the wee smile on her face when she realised she wouldn't have to touch the wet clothes.
Since doing this, I actually felt happier! I felt like I'd done something good and I had earned myself 1,000,000 good person points.
It has actually encouraged me to do more than 1 kind thing in the day! I even offered to let my sisters borrow my makeup. This might not seem like a big deal but my makeup collection is super organised and if something goes awry or is put back in the wrong place then I am likely to freak out. Thankfully the day has been 'freak-out free' and all was returned to the place it should be.
What act of kindness have you done today?
All My Love
Holly xxxxxxx