30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8

By Mleonardo18

Get a full-time job as soon as possible when I get back from my vacation early next year.

I’m done uni now but unfortunately, I couldn’t apply to FT jobs yet since I’m leaving for more than a month this coming January and no employer would probably allow me to leave for that long for a newly hired employee. 

Buy my own car

I’ve always wanted my own car ever since I started driving. I’ve had my full driver’s license for 5 years now and I don’t drive that much since I don’t have my own car. I could use our family car but my dad uses it to go to work and I don’t really go out that often. Once I get a full time job, I’ll definitely start saving up for a car.

Move into our new condo once it has been built.

I’m really excited to move into our new home. We’ve been living in our apartment for 8 years now and it’s about time that we get a home that’s ours. Unfortunately, construction has been delayed for about 4 months now and even the real estate agent couldn’t give us any updates since they’re still trying to contact the builders too. I hope everything’s fine and would start very soon.

Finish my certificate in HR Management.

This is still on going and I’m taking it part-time through distance education. I’m 2/8 courses done so I still need 6 to go. My estimated graduation year is Spring 2017. 

Fix my blog.

So maybe I’ll not rebrand my blog anymore. I’ll just organize/fix whatever I already have than start over again. 

What about you? What are some of your current goals?