3 Ways to Improve Your Health Amid a Pandemic

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

As we transition from 2020 into 2021, it is still challenging to see past the world that the pandemic is forming. 

However, when it comes to people’s health, the pandemic has had some great consequences when it comes to people taking better care of their health- with more and more people taking the opportunity to work and trying new ways to move their bodies. With more time on our hands, too, more and more people are cooking more from scratch, which plays its part in our overall health, too! 

At the moment, our health has never been more important since the fitter you are, the less likely you are to suffer severely from the virus.
However, with all we have gained with our changes in exercise and food regimes, it’s time to start compiling a list of things you should plan for when the pandemic is over. 

While it’s hard to imagine a time when we won’t be wearing masks to do everyday activities such as going grocery shopping, there are still certain things that need to wait until this time- even if it feels as though you are neglecting yourself somewhat.

Here are some of the things you should plan on doing for your health when the pandemic is over. 

Get Your Hearing and Teeth Checked Out 

With most of us sharing our space with several others working from home, being able to concentrate on any particular work task has come with its challenges. Many of us have resulted in taking matters into our own hands and playing music to create our own soundtracks. However, how do you drown out the sound of another 3000 video calls per day? Headphones. Turned up loud. Over time (and yes, we all know it’s been a long time) the overexposure to loud volumes causes a whole lot of damage to our ears.
While you can take the time to learn more about hearing loss, you should consider getting a hearing check to make sure that these solo working parties have caused no damage at the end of the day. 

In the same category, you might want to consider getting to the dentist. During the pandemic, while most hospitals and ERs remained open, the dentist didn’t because, you know, COVID. The thought of going to any dentist at all can be triggering, at the best of times, but the thought of having to lie back with your mouth open during the pandemic is not good.  A dental check should be one of the first things you should arrange when the world opens up again. 

Get Out and Socialize 

Most people you speak to have said that they cannot wait for ‘things to be normal, when all this is over’ so that they can meet up with their friends, go shopping etc. 

Being stuck inside with the same people all the time is boring. You will start to notice habits such as who is the noisy eater, or who places their head in a particular position when they say certain words. Basically, no matter how much you love them, there will always be things about them that will drive you insane! 

However, we’ve all adapted to this ‘online only’ way of communicating with our friends and families. Being able to meet people outside will be kind of weird, don’t you think? Crowds will be challenging, and you’ll still be giving people a 6 feet gap as they try to pass. 

Social anxiety is likely to be a long-term leftover symptom of the COVID-19 pandemic which could be passed on to next generations. This is why it is going to be incredibly important to push your boundaries and meet up with people as soon as the world is safe (but not before- STAY HOME!).

Break Away from Bad Habits 

Long periods of stress have a wide range of adverse consequences on the habits we formulate as coping mechanisms. While some have taken on looking after their bodies to obsessive levels, others have taken to drinking and eating too much in order to cope.

These behaviors may have adverse effects over time, causing addictions, inability to cope without them, and potential risk of medical conditions later on down the line. 

Breaking away from these bad habits is something that you can start doing sooner rather than later to help to ease the pressure of the transition into post lockdown life. 

FInally, during these challenging times, ease the pressure on yourself and start taking care of your own needs. Health equals wealth, afterall! 

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