3 Reasons Why the Indian Government Should Focus on Wind Energy

By Shreoshe

1The history of wind energy in India dates back to 1986 when a series of wind farms were constructed along the coasts of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra. But it has immensely grown over the years, and today, India stands fourth in wind power capacity, its nearest competitors being Denmark and of course, US. Tamil Nadu stands highest in the generation of wind power (35% of the total) but the other states are lagging behind. According to the energy experts across the country and abroad, its high time India should start investing more on wind power, especially in the North eastern states of India. Why is it so? The following reasons will tell you:

  • The depletion of natural resources is pushing the energy authorities to focus more on renewable sources of energy like the wind. You can never get enough of wind, can you? This is such an energy resource that will never grow short of. Also, this will give the natural resources a break and conserve them for the future generations.
  • Wind energy is a pollution free energy resource unlike nuclear and other renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Pollution is a growing concern for developing countries like India, hence the need for wind energy
  • When it comes to costs, Wind energy is the least expensive. Apart from the installation costs, there is nothing to complain of. It is a substantial and environment friendly energy resource that is for everybody’s good.

If you are not yet convinced why wind energy should be the prime most energy resource in India, we can state some other reasons as well like:

  • The wind mills do not take much space and they can be installed on existing farms without disrupting the farmer’s daily activities.
  • The wind farms increases employment in the rural sector. India is in great need of increasing employment options.
  • It is a clean and domestic energy resource and
  • It is inexhaustible.

Hence, the Indian government should start focusing on this sector as soon as possible to get rid of energy related issues. This is the best way to start a fresh new year. Happy New Year 2016 !!

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