3 New Oil Paintings: Tree of Life, Star Clouds & Fiery Colors

By Artbycedar

This painting is called Peaceful Evening. It’s meant to give you a peaceful feeling of being at one with the universe/God/the circle of life, or whatever meaning most resonates with you.

Peaceful Evening, Oil on Canvas, 20″ x 20″
© Cedar Lee, All Rights Reserved

With the giant otherworldly orb-like stars glowing in the sky behind the Tree of Life, it is reminiscent of my earlier painting, Mysterious Night:

Mysterious Night Oil on Canvas 30″ x 40″
© Cedar Lee, All Rights Reserved

Here is “Sunrise Dreams.” This is one of those lovely paintings that flowed quickly and effortlessly from my brush onto the canvas as I was painting it. When I was finished with it I thought it looked like sunrise on another world, or like a sunrise from a dream.

Sunrise Dreams, Oil on Canvas, 20″ x 20″
© Cedar Lee, All Rights Reserved

Here is The Source. The brilliantly burning star cluster in the center is a source of light and heat in the literal sense. But I also think of it as a life-giving source, much as our sun is to Earth. If I were to picture my own life force or the energy that sustains my spirit throughout my life, I think it would look like this.

The Source, Oil on Canvas, 20″ x 20″
© Cedar Lee, All Rights Reserved