3 Favourite Hand Creams For 3 Occasions

By Kelly Cakar @secondblonde

It’s approaching that time of year when the air outside is cooler and the heating is on inside and my hands start to suffer, not to mention our obsession with frequently washing our hands or using anti-bacterial gels.

Here’s 3 of my favorite hand creams which all have different qualities which I use for different reasons, some I use plentiful and some sparingly but that’s just based on cost, the more expensive hand creams I tend to use as “treatments” as they include luxury ingredients and are quite pricey.

Dr Sebagh – High Maintenance Anti-ageing care – prevents the first sign of aging. Leaves my hands with a matte finish which look and feel soft, feels like I am wearing a glove. I keep this one on my dressing table as a “as I leave the house” and “before bed” hand cream. Read my review of High Maintenance here

Soap and Glory – Hand Dream A 5-in-1 hand cream encourages cell renewal which contains ultra nourishing oils. It’s highly fragranced with the original S&G scent, it absorbs quickly. This is my “throw in my hand bag” and apply during the day if I remember hand cream. I’m not sure how effective it is as a treatment but it certainly softens my hands after a hand wash.

Aurelia – Aromatic Repair & Brighten Perfect for pigmentation and highly moisturising. does not contain any synthetic ingredients with key ingredients such as Sea Daffodile, Baobab and Red Algae. This is my “hand treatment” treat kind of cream when I have time for an experience – the essential oils are very calming. Read my review of Aromatic Repair & Brighten here

So there you have it, my 3 rotating hand creams…what are you favourites?

Second blonde x

Filed under: bbloggers Tagged: aromatic repair and brighten, aurelia, baobab, beauty, beauty reviews, beauty tips, Dr sebagh, hand cream, hand dream, hand treatment, hands, High Maintenance, nails, red algae, sea daffodile, secondblonde, skin care, soap and glory, winter, winter essentials