
By Leonied

L:  Your imaginative independent play has gone to a whole new level lately. I could listen to your stories and play conversations all day long. On this phone call you were discussing some serious business relating to biscuits. You have also started a very funny/sweet thing whenever we're in the car... "are you happy Mummy?". Gorgeous checking in on everyone's happiness levels.
H:  Cuddles with Daddy, after almost 3 weeks away. You (and your sisters) have enjoyed snuggling and talking and cuddling with him this afternoon. So precious and fills my heart. Lately when you ask something and we reply with "maybe" or "we'll see" or some such phrasing... you say: "maybe means yes, thank you." or "we'll see means yes, right?" Too funny.
A:  The amount of time you spend getting your bed just so, and the blankets and distribution of animals exactly to your liking is something else. Very precise and very sure of it all you are my gorgeous girl.
L xx
Joining in with Jodi @ Practising Simplicity