2021 Building a Business in These Crazy Times

By Tampster1 @tampster1
Wow, I can not believe how much our lives have changed in 3 short years. We finally found our forever home in the beautiful Kootenays, gave up the hustle and bustle of corporate life, and have become semi-retired homesteaders. As I am not very good at downtime I needed to come up with something that fills my heart with joy as well as my free time. It has always been a dream of mine to have a dedicated art studio and a fantasy to have a gallery, Well this year, with the support and coaxing from my husband, I am finally making things happen.  
I took a few years off from selling and now I feel like I am starting from scratch, having to relearn all of the intricacies in building a brand, social media marketing, business development, and best practices for running a successful company. So first things first, I am super stoked to announce that my website and online store will be opening on Monday October 11, 2021. I have been crazy busy this year putting together an amazing body of works that will be available for purchase in original, print and some will be made into wearables. Excited? I know I am. If you hop over to 
One of the buildings is perfect for this endeavor, now we just need to find a contractor that will work in the middle of the boonies. That is a whole other issue.