2017 Trend Predictions #beautiesonfire Link Up

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Attention Beauty Lovers. Welcome to the next Beauties On Fire themed link-up. If you don’t know about Beauties on Fire, make sure to check out this post. Our next theme was decided via a Twitter poll. Anyone could vote and our winner was…”2017 Trend Predictions.” All the AMAZING #beautiesonfire members have written posts with their own spin on the 2017 Trend Predictions theme.

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I am totally not good at predicting the future. I decided to focus on a few beauty trends that I believe will be popular this year. What are your 2017 trend predictions? Have you found any trends this year that you want to rock? Let me know in the comments below!

Click to see some 2017 Beauty Trend Predictions!
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Also, Make sure you check out all the links below and show some love (come back often to see which bloggers have posted). They are seriously so amazing. I know you will love reading them as much I have. We are always accepting new members and anyone can join (see post above or rules below). Make sure you check out the previous #beautiesonfire “New Year New Look” link-up if you missed it.

2017 Trend Predictions…Beauty:

I am going to explain a few of my 2017 beauty trend predictions. Let me know if you agree with them. I can’t wait to see if I will be correct on any of them.

1.) Less Focus on Matte Lips…More Focus on Glossy Lips

I believe 2017 will bring more focus on glossy lips. Many companies have been producing awesome glosses. I really hope the matte trend will be less of a focus this year. Although I love it, I get tired of seeing it all the time. Glossy lips are stunning too.

2.) Not So Structured Faces

I think highlighting and contouring will still be popular. However, I look for beauty gurus to change it up a bit with new tricks. Highlighting and contouring may take a turn away from creating such structured faces. Instead, these techniques will be used to create a more natural look.

3.) The 1980s Are Back

Last year, we saw a ton of 1990s trends come back. This year I believe the 1980s are coming back. I look to see a ton of neon colors and big hair. I love neons and I am excited to see what the beauty industry does with 80s trends.

4.) Bold Lip Colors

Along with 80s trends, there will also be a huge emphasis on bold lips. I believe neon colors won’t be just for the eyes. They will be on the lips too.

5.) Everyone Can Be Their Own Makeup Artist

I believe the beauty industry will push products that allow everyone to be creative and to create their own custom beauty products. Keep your eye out for palettes that allow you to custom create your own colors. I think these products will be fun and will allow for your personality to shine.

There you have it! Those are a few of my predictions. What do you think? Let me know!


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