2016 Back to School Socials

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon
August 10, 2016

2016 GoGeomatics Back to School Socials

Join the Geospatial Community as they come together to celebrate new-comers to the geomatics sector at the third annual Back to School Canada wide Social Event

CanadianGIS.com have been involved in GoGeomatics Socials since 2010 when we helped start the first one in Ottawa, and are happy to again help support all the upcoming 2016 GoGeomatics Back to School Socials taking place in September.

GoGeomatics is inviting new and returning students to kick off the school year with other geomatics professionals at this free networking event. This is GoGeomatics way of welcoming the newest members of the Canadian geospatial community to the geomatics sector.

Everyone is welcome, from all areas of geomatics – from GIS, to remote sensing, to surveying, to cartography …  Events will be taking place in Halifax, Ottawa, Kingston, Niagara, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Nelson, Kelowna, and Vancouver – so find one near year and get out and meet someone else in the geomatics sector. Click the links above to RSVP, find out who else is  attending, see photos and comments from past events and much more.

Come share a pint with a great community, enjoy some free munchies, and have the chance to win prizes.

Filed in: Geomatics Conference & EventsTags: Calgary, GoGeomatics, Halifax, Networking, Ottawa, social event, Toronto, Vancouver

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