Click on image to enlarge poster.
Today is World Water Day and hopes that you will help us raise awareness about the need to protect water for people and nature.
Critical wildlife habitats and the health of humans everywhere rely highly on abundant water levels in rivers, lakes and streams, the very places that much of our drinking water comes from. It also waters our crops, provides us with fish to eat, can produce energy to light our homes, provide recreation and also bring us life. But what most of do not realize is how much impact Industry has on our water supply.
Yet around the world we are crippling the ability of rivers and lakes to support people, plants and animals. Scientists predict that by 2025 more than two-thirds of the world’s population could face water shortages. We can change course. We can balance across our many needs better and preserve nature’s ability to provide for future generations, too. We have new knowledge, new tools and a growing community of people committed to saving our water.
The good folks at the Nature Conservancy contacted us recently to share some of this information about World Water Day and the poster on the right (click on it to enlarge it to full size) that illustrates how, according to a recent study by a Conservancy partner organization, The “water footprint” of the average American is over 32k glasses per day.
Where is all this water? It’s used to produce the food we eat, clothes we wear and more. And where does it come from? Nature. In fact, about 70 percent of the water extracted from rivers, lakes and aquifers is for agriculture.
The Nature Conservancy works along side various different partners to help find new ways to track down “hidden” water sources, such as helping large corporations such as Coca-Cola to determine their actual “water footprint” and make them understand why it’s key to preserving more water for people, plants and animals.
You too can get involved by getting some great tips on how to save water from their website, check out the “Water Footprint Network’s” website to learn more about your water footprint, provide a small cash donation to go towards the cause or simply help spread the word (forward this blog post and information about the Nature Conservancy in your social newtworks, tell your family and friends etc).
[source: email from The Nature Conservancy &]