2012 Webby Awards — School Portrait: My Vote for Online Film and Video-Viral

By Legosneggos @LegosnEggos

Over the next couple of days, I’m posting a few of my favorite nominees for the 2012 Webby Awards.  Voting closes on April 26th (three days away), so please follow me and cast a vote if any of my favorites touch you, too.

In case you missed it, here’s “School Portrait” by Nick Scott and Michael Berliner.  I adore the message of this viral video.  Reflecting on it helped me a couple of times this year — just remembering that happiness is a choice.

No pressure — but take a look at the competition in this category…and vote for School Portrait anyway!

Remember, life is beautiful because we have been granted the privilege of simply existing today.

Be sure to visit http://webbyawards.com to view all the great work that’s been nominated!  It’s a treat.

The Webby Awards will announce their 2012 winners on May 1st.

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