2 Minutes to a Brighter Me!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Today I am coming out of left field with a crazy post. Okay, not that crazy but something I never really get into with my blogging. Okay, it is something I never really got into until recently. Yes, there was that time in Junior High and early High School years but then I abandoned ship and went naked.
What am I talking about???
Make-up! Of course!
2 minutes to a brighter me!
Yes, for years I have gone without a speck of make-up on and those early years, please erase them from every one's memories. What can you expect from a kid that bleached her hair blond? Oh darling daughter, you don't need to fully follow the path I have lead in my life. Thick blue eyeliner and bleached blond hair --- can I just blame the 80's?
But onto today. Just recently, about a month ago, I got inspired to pick up that make-up bag and get back into it. Yes, I restocked it with some new items. It really is simple, some loose powder with a brush, some blush, three sets of eye shadow, a tube of mascara, and probably 6 choices of lip color. Can you see what I like to play with? And yes, I take a whole whopping two minutes, if that long, to brighten up my face.
Why? I joke that my co-worker inspired me, or at least that was my story at work when the change first happened and I was bombarded with praise and comments. The story goes, well, she always looks so good and put together that I had to do something? My post run rambled look just didn't seem right. But perhaps it was more, perhaps it was me getting braver and more confident. And I truly feel that plays a role because I am feeling better about myself, feeling good in my skin, and feeling strong. Strong enough to venture out and experiment with putting on a fresher face. To brighten my eyes and to feel well, perhaps even beautiful...beautiful to dear hubby and darling daughter. And it took her a bit to get used to the scary spider eyes (the mascara was odd to her) but she likes it now. And she really likes it when I go bold with the lipstick.
How about you? Are you a skip it kind of gal, give me two minutes and I am done, or more involved with your beauty routine?
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the opportunities in my life.
Daily Affirmation: I have lovely bright blue eyes!