2 Magical Paintings: Deep Roots

By Artbycedar

These 2 paintings show the roots of a tree growing very deep into the earth. In reality, it’s more common for the roots of a tree to be shallower and spread more widely, right below the surface. However, this art is meant to be symbolic, and I love the visual impact as well as the meaning of this imagery: the idea of being one with the earth, and of deriving our nourishment from a deep source that is central to all living things.

Study of Roots in Gold Earth. 10” x 8” (14” x 11” matted), Acrylic on Paper, © 2014 Cedar Lee

Here is what it looks like matted:

Study of Roots in Gold Earth. 10” x 8” (14” x 11” matted), Acrylic on Paper, © 2014 Cedar Lee

In this painting, I’m not sure exactly why I added the bird, except it needed to be there. It is similar to the bird from my earlier painting Messenger at Dawn where a white bird shows up as an omen of hope and peace. In this painting, it felt to me as if the tree is receiving this omen from the bird. With its roots anchored deeply and woven around underground rocks, the tree receives this message delivered to it from the starry blue-violet night sky. In this moment all is right in the world.

Study of Messenger Received. 10” x 8” (14” x 11” matted), Acrylic on Paper, © 2014 Cedar Lee

Here is what it looks like matted:

Study of Messenger Received. 10” x 8” (14” x 11” matted), Acrylic on Paper, © 2014 Cedar Lee