13 Types of Interns in Singapore

By Ireviewuread

Internship. The soul sucking period where a sneak preview of this mundane life was served to us on a cold platter. Most of us are underpaid and overwork but because of our grades we have to increase our endurance rate.

With that, here are the 13 Types of Interns you will meet or turn into during your internship.

Disclaimer: This post is created for entertainment purposes only.

1. The Chiongster

Boss ask you to key in 100 data entries per day, you key in 300. Not only that, you also managed to help the marketing department do telemarketing. Known to the full time staff as very efficient and a suitable candidate to be hired in the future. However, known to other interns as 'The One Which Spoils Market'.

2. The Overly Paranoid

Interns are entitled to 2 days of Leaves and 2 days of MCs at the very least. If you were to serve a full 6 months of internship in the company. These people never ever want to be away from their company. Even if they were to fall sick, they still go back to work till their boss send them home or they faint.

Most possible scenario to happen:

Boss: "Hey, you want a doughnut?"
Overly Paranoid Intern *Thoughts - Oh look a doughnut. I'm so hungry. I should take it. Wait. Stop. What if this was a test to see if I am greedy enough to take the doughnut? Let's not take it.*
Overly Paranoid Intern: "It's Okay. Thanks."
Boss *Chomps down on the doughnut* : "Your Loss."
Overly Paranoid Intern *Stomach Growls*

Sometimes you just have to realize, not everything you do affect your grades. So, take a chill pill and have that doughnut.

3. The Boot Licker

"Boss you need help?" "Boss, your bag looks heavy, I help you carry to your car." "Boss, here are some muffins I made yesterday. Want try?"

Boss. Boss. Boss. It's the only word these boot lickers know how to start a sentence with.

4. The MC Queen/King

You don't even remember these people. In fact the most significant thing that will come to your mind once you hear their name is their empty desk. That is if you remember their name.

5. The Teleporter

These people are different from the MC Queens and Kings. They go to work on time and they will be at their desk for the first hour. After the first hour, they are gone. They'll pop by their desk every few minutes to 'give face' other then that, Gone Girl. The sure thing about their act is, they will definitely return the hour before they clock out.

Possible scenario:

Boss: "Where you going?"
The Teleporter: "Toilet Break"
Boss: "But you just went toilet 5 minutes ago!"
The Teleporter: "Then smoke break lor."
Boss: "But you don't smoke"
The Teleporter: "I do now."

6. The Old Intern

These people were once interns of the company but they extended for whatever reasons and now they are a pro at what they do. They know what ticks who off and where are the Easter Egg spots around the office. Everyone knows them and most likely, they have tried all the tricks in the book so it's better to get on their good side.

Do note: They know how to play 'The TaiJi Game' and they play it well. So be wary if you're on the same team as them and suddenly feel like your workload have suspiciously increased.

7. The Gossiper

"Aye, I just heard your boss's husband just bought a new Lamborghini leh..."

The gossipers are often found budding up to the full timers and lingering around at the pantry or water point when there are conversations going on. Sometimes you even wonder, how can they know so much about the other staffs' lifes when they are only here for a few months?!

8. The Fashionistas

These people have the most trendiest clothes and you'll never see their wardrobe being repeated. Most of the times you will wonder, how do they buy so much clothes with such little pay.

9. The Sleeping Beauty

Let's face it, almost every intern have to go through this data entry period and data entry is very dry. Once in a blue moon, an unlucky intern will be caught dozing off but managed to wake themselves up in time. The sleeping beauties don't. They fall into deep sleep in front of the computer and even if they are chased to the toilet to freshen up, they will fall asleep there.

Thus, they take multiple breaks throughout the day.... to sleep discreetly.

10. The Hungry Ghost

"This one can eat? That one can eat?" Everything also "Can Eat?" The Hungry Ghost never seize to stop eating. We understand that younger people have higher metabolism but please stop wiping out the company's fridge, the food in there is for EVERYONE.

11. The Blur Sotong

Maybe it's because they are new. Maybe it's because they have not adapt to the companies culture. These people never fail to stop saying 'Huh?' and present their confused face even they are coming to the closure of their internship period.

12. The Sorry One

"Sorry I am late, boss" "Sorry I bang into you." "Sorry I send parcel to wrong company." "Sorry... Sorry..." We get it, you make mistakes that's part of the whole process of internship but please stop saying 'Sorry' you're starting to sound like a broken recorder.

13. The Sole Survivor

This person goes to work to get work done and that's the only reason. They are alone most of the time. During lunch, traveling back home, during company events. They don't really mix around thus giving people the misconception that they are arrogant and scary to be around.

However, what people fail to realize is, maybe these people are just shy and unsure of who to be around. In the future if you see a lone ranger, make the first move and talk to them first. Most of them won't bite.


Internship is a period where you have to tolerate your boss, your colleagues and your dry workload for 9 hours or more. You get paid pigeon food and treated like rubbish while you try not to scream or cry daily to save your grades. For those slightly luckier ones who chose to do internship because of experience then good for you. At least quitting is an option.

For those not so lucky ones, just remember internship is more about learning how your industry functions in the society. It's like a sneak preview of what you might be doing 5 years from now, if you were to continue to work in your line of studies. It's also a pathway for you to build connections and interact with from people with different background.

As mentioned, it's alright to make mistakes; It's part of learning after all. Just be sure to learn from your mistakes. Like they said, if you make the mistake a second time, it's not a mistake anymore. It's a choice.

All in all, what I want to emphasis is, don't take internship so seriously just because there's a grading system. Enjoy your time there. Take breaks. Talk to everyone. Make Connections. Been keen to learn. Be it a work related skill or a life skill, just be open to learning everything.

Good Luck and No Regrets.