12 Days of Golfmas

By Eatsleepgolf @eatsleepgolf
Thank you to everyone who entered our '12 Days of Golfmas' Christmas contest!  We received a ton of entries and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them all.  The 6 winners have been randomly selected, each of whom have won: 1 x Puma Golf Polo, 1 x Cleveland 56 degree wedge & 1 x dozen Srizon Golf Balls.  The winners are:
1. Eric Babineau
2. Cam Bugera
3. Justin Eslinger
4. Steven Haugrud
5. Paul Rygus
6. Cory Harrington
Below are a few of the daily images along with my favorite captions.  Wishing you all a very merry Christmas season!
"Wow Blitzen! Santa must be sleigh lagged, I've never seen him lay up on the Larsons before"
"O.K. Guys, if this doesn't go in, you can ride and I will pull the sleigh"
"That would have been in if you pulled the flat!"
After being offered millions of cookies with milk on one night, what did you expect?