11 Questions Tag

By Makeupandartfreak @MakeUp_ArtFreak
I was tagged by BeautyByKimi to do this tag, so... Why not?..
The Rules: 
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus 22 questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your tag.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs.
6. You legitimately have to tag.
Soooo.. Here we go. (I am sorry in advance if I don't have very interesting things to write about..)
11 Things about myself:
1. I am married since the age of 19. (1 year ago).
2. I moved to Canada with my husband 1 year ago and just yesterday (!!!!!) got my permanent residence here :)
3. I have a thing with corals and peach colors. These are my 2 favorite colors and I want EVERYTHING in coral and peach. Lipstick, nail polish, outfits, etc.
4. I absolutely LOVE animals! To the point where I'm ready to give my lunch to a poor cat and starve.
5. I can't go to sleep without drinking tea... =\
6. I love summer and dislike winter. I wish summer would last for 10 months and winter for 2.
7. I've always had more guy friends than girl friends. I actually didn't even had REAL girl friends until I've joined the army and met 2 close girl friends.
8. And yes, I have served the army for one and a half year. I've even shot from a gun and was pretty darn good at it ;) (No, I didn't shot a person!!)
9. I have traveled by air for 9 times for the last 4 years and visited 6 different countries. (In 2 of them I was only at the airport :P )
10. The biggest amount of money I've spent on a makeup product is 99$CAD (MUFE 12 Flash color case) and I don't regret doing it! :D
11. My first real and serious boyfriend is the one I'm married to today. :) <3
11 Questions to me:
1. What are 3 beauty products you can't live without?
Concealer, Mascara and Lip balm.
2. Biggest Pet Peeve?
My moms cat or my in-laws dog - when they leave their fur everywhere.
3. Would you ever have any kind of plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery done? Why or why not?
No. I believe the way we are is the way we're supposed to be. It's the best way we CAN be and we should accept it.
4. Do you have a job? If so what do you do? Or if you're in school and not working then what are you going to school for?I currently don't have a job for the simple reason I've arrived to Canada YESTERDAY and just got my permanent residence.. Going to look for a job :)5. Do you workout? If so whats your favorite thing to do to workout? If not whats your favorite activity or fun thing to do?I was working out at the gym with my husband and it was very fun, but we don't really had time for this so unfortunately, we don't do this anymore now. Maybe we'll get back to it soon.6. How old are you? 20. Will be 21 on May 2012.
7.  Fave song currently or fave band?
I love almost any music out there. Currently don't have fave band or song.
8. Most expensive beauty product/item and cheapest?
As I mentioned above, most expensive - Makeup Forever 12 flash color case (99$CAD). Cheapest - Beautycare eye pencil (2$).
9. Name 3 wishes?
I wish my mom would live with me here, in Canada.
I wish I would be stuck in age 20, live forever and never grow old.
I wish I would win the lottery :P
10. Who do you look up to? 
Sorry if I'm stupid, but I didn't quite understood the question X_X
11. What kind of car do you drive and if you don't drive then whats your fave app on your phone?
I don't drive, and I have an old-not-too-interesting phone, so I don't have any interesting apps.. =\ (Told you I'm boring..) XD
11 questions to YOU: 
1. What's your favorite makeup brand?
2. What's your favorite time of the year and why?
3. Fave pet?
4. What do you do in your life, or if you're young, what do you want to do when you grow up?
5. Do you have any strange habits?
6. If you could choose to live in any century, which one would you choose?
7. What 3 things you would like to do before you grow old?
8. What's your favorite place in the world?
9. If you would win the lottery for 1,000,000$, what would you do with the money?
10. The perfect vacation?
11. Cats or dogs?
People I'm tagging to do this:

Thanks and have a good day! :)