Just before I get onto the update I want to say a massive thankyou! Yesterday I reached over 10,000 page views & I currently have 302 followers, thankyou so much to everyone for the support. I will be having a giveaway soon but at the moment I am skint, so look out for that in the next few weeks, thankyou so so much.
So today is my first update for my 100 day spending ban challenge. I have been doing this for 7 days, so 93 to go! This week has been quite hard as there has been so much stuff I wanted, and I went into town as I needed to buy a friend a birthday present, and as she is also interested in makeup I decided to get her a Fashionista palette. Now if you have read my post about all the lovely giveaway prizes I have won, you will know that I now have a Fashionista palette and 2 refills, and it was so hard not to buy 2 more. I kept thinking 'well I'll buy this and then reschedule the spending ban' but I didn't buy it, and I am so happy and feel so much better for it. I just picked the one up for my friend and walked out of Superdrug.
Now for this weeks wishlist! (be warned there is A LOT)
Please leave a comment if you are doing a spending ban! I would love to check out how you are getting on.
What's on your wishlist this week?
Thanks for reading