100 Day Spending Ban

By Natalieroseanne @clutzyprincess
I, Natalie Roseanne, here by say that from the 1st January 2013 will be on a 100 day spending ban!
Why am I doing this?I have so many beauty products, that I love, but don't give enough attention to.My boyfriend and I want to save for our future (he's doing a 100 day no spend too) , and move to a new flat in a couple of years.
What do I pledge?I am not buying any beauty products for 100 days.I am not buying any fashion products for 100 days.I am not allowed to buy chocolate, sweets, bottles of pop, or anything snack wise whilst out (unless I'm at work, or out, and don't have lunch/dinner with me).I will not buy anything that is not deemed a necessity.I am allowed to go on one social event a month, such as a night out etc, but have to be cautious with my money and wear clothes I already own.I am allowed to go on a date with my boyfriend.I am allowed to buy anniversary, valentines, birthday, Easter and Mother's Day presents.I am allowed to buy items that I will need, such as shampoo, shower gels, etc, but I have to be thrifty about the cost.I am allowed to pay shipping for any giveaways that I have planned.I'm allowed to be gifted items (PRs, family and friends).I will write a wish list/update of how I am doing each week.I will succeed.
Around the blogosphere there seems to be a lot of beauties that are doing the 100 day spending ban along with myself.Here's a list of the lovely ladies:Shona from Freshbeautyxox.Sandra fromtheblackpearl,Grace from allthatslapMarvelle from blogofshadowsKatie from Fashion & BeautyAlice from Bright Town GirlJayne from Jaynes KitschenJo from Beauty and the BooksJenny from Beauty and the BiryaniAnne from Fashiony NailsSarah from Writing and RamblingClaudia from Beauty and the ChicLinsay from Pandora's Beauty Basket
We will, hopefully, be supporting each other on this tough time (:p).If you are also doing a spending ban please let me know, and I will add your link with the rest of us.
I hope you'll enjoy reading my journey through out my no spend. Not long until April 10th ;)
Natalie Roseanne <3