10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health

Brussels sprouts are not everybody’s favorite vegetable and kids, in particular, seem to loathe them, but these little green members of the cruciferous family of vegetables have some surprising health benefits! For a start, Brussels sprouts have far higher protein content, than most vegetables and when you add together with all the vitamins and minerals that they contain, you get some very good reasons to include them in your diet. So, put aside your childhood nightmares of Brussels sprouts, check out their health benefits, and give them another chance, you might be pleased that you did.

1. They can protect your DNA

Our list of health benefits of Brussels sprouts starts with DNA protection. In recent studies, it has been found that some of the compounds found in Brussels sprouts can improve the stability of your DNA. These compounds block the harmful activity of enzymes called sulphotransferase enzymes, which can be detrimental to the stability of DNA in white blood cells.

2. Provide cardiovascular support 

Another one of great health benefits of Brussels sprouts is that brussels sprouts have the ability to control inflammation and even reverse damage in the blood vessels. This is due to the compound the isothiocyanate sulforaphane, which is made from glucosinolates, contained in the vegetable, and this can help to prevent heart attacks.

3. They are a healthy source of fibre

We need fiber in our diet to regulate our digestion and protect the health of the colon. Brussles sprouts are a good source of this fiber and a 100 gram serving will provide 4 grams of fiber that is 15% the recommended daily intake for women.

4. They provide all the vitamin K that you need

Brussels sprouts have a particularly high Vitamin K content, which you need to help promote healthy bones and prevent calcification in the body. Just one cup of sprouts will provide you with over the twice the amount of vitamin K that is the minimum recommended daily intake.

5. Support the detoxing of your body

Health benefits of Brussels sprouts also include body detoxification. The enzyme systems in the cells of your body use compounds called glucosinolates to assist in the detoxification process. The glucosinolates found in Brussels sprouts activate the detox process and assists the body in purging unwanted, cancer causing substances.

6. They contain high levels of antioxidants

Brussels sprouts contain the flavonoids kaempferol, quercitin and isorhamnetin, as well as a whole host of vitamins (A, C, K, B-6), minerals and selenium, all of which help to protect your body against the effects of oxidative stress on the body’s cells.

7. They act as an anti-inflammatory

Eating Brussels sprouts can help to protect you against developing chronic inflammation in your body. The vegetables are rich in glucosinolate, which help to regulate the body’s inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system and prevent unwanted inflammation.

8. Rich source of Vitamin C

Another one of the important health benefits of Brussels sprouts is that it’s a rich source of Vitamin C. Just a 100 gram serving of boiled Brussels sprouts contains over 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin C, because these little vegetables contain way more Vitamin C, than even oranges do! Vitamin C plays many important roles in the body, including helping to build a healthy immune system and warding off high blood pressure.

9. Lowers cholesterol 

Health benefits of Brussels sprouts also include normalizing your cholesterol levels. Because of their high fiber content, over 15% of the recommended daily allowance, Brussels sprouts are very good at lowering the cholesterol in the body. The fiber contained in the vegetable, binds together with bile acids and makes it easier for the body to remove them from the digestive system.

10. They are a great source of many vitamins, nutrients and minerals

One serving of Brussels sprouts provides you with an amazingly high nutritional benefit. It will give more than 100% of your daily requirements of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B, as well as being a good source of other vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
