10 Women Entrepreneurs Of India,Who Are Truly Inspirational In Every Possible Way

By Admincosmotales

When we think of businesses, startups, and innovation, we implicitly think of men. But have you ever thought of women entrepreneurs? If this is something that is new for you, then let me tell you, I am not only telling you the story of a woman entrepreneur but rather ten such women entrepreneurs who will definitely inspire you!

Here's a list of 10 successful women entrepreneurs:

1. Sheela Kochouseph Chittilappilly: V-Star Creations

Married into a well to do household, Sheela was never the kind to sit idle. Thus, when her interest in designing took flight, she started a garment shop. Once she realized that her venture was not as successful as she wanted, she began supplying to other shops instead. That's the story of how V-Star Creations came to be.

2. Meena Ganesh: Portea Medical

Meena always had a flair for startups. Furthermore, her degree from IIM-C and NIIT became the push that she needed towards her ultimate goal. After gaining experience in established companies like Microsoft, TESCO, TutorVista, she finally floated her own business Portea Medical. It is a healthcare company.

3. Rekha Kakkar: My Tasty Curry

Combining her passion for food with her love for traveling and photography, Rekha started her own blog. With a husband in the Indian Air Force, she has picked up a lot of experience even in remote places!

4. Lalfakzuali: Weaving Business

Putting behind her tough life, Lalfakzuali is one of those women entrepreneurs who did not give up. She started a weaving business that has expanded over the three years into five looms! She is a shining example of grit.

5. Soma Chatterjee Maiti: WhatsApp boutique

Soma is a part-time teacher and full-time entrepreneur. She used the famous networking platform WhatsApp to sell suits and sarees!

6. Sairee Chahal: Sheroes.in

Sairee has worked not only for herself but for the entire woman community. She co-founded Fleximoms and even had a stint as a journalist. She started Sheroes.in which works towards women empowerment and assisting women to achieve their career goals.

7. Aditi Gupta: Menstrupedia

Taking inspiration from her personal experience of the taboo against menstruation, Aditi began Menstrupedia. She is the creator, author, and the co-founder of the Menstrupedia Comic, which creates awareness about menstruation and menstrual hygiene.

8. Prachi S. Vaish: HopeNetwork.in

Prachi used her degree as a Clinical Psychologist to put it to better use. She founded the HopeNetwork.in, which is an online counseling portal. She is assisted by a team of trained psychologists who are working to make the world a better place.

9. Bandita Bose: Unchainedreamz

Bandita gave up her comfortable job to try out something more adventurous. She started Unchainedreamz to reach out to a large base of clients who would be interested in her handicrafts. She used the social media giant, Facebook, to connect with future customers.

10. Prerna Singh: Just Prerna

Just Prerna is the brainchild of Prerna Singh. She decided to pursue her ambition for jewelry designing and make it a business rather than just a hobby. She mixes modern with tradition to produce stunning creations that have attracted a lot of praise from not only customers but also vendors!

Isn't that just amazing? Which of these women entrepreneurs inspire you most?


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