10 Reasons Why I Love My Husband

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it is time to think about love and this guest blog does just that. See if you can come up with 10 ways you love your spouse. Rhonda Neely helps couples eliminate the room for arguments, helping them look past the aggravation so they can live, laugh, & love all over again and bring the focus back to what makes each of them happy. Rhonda can be found at her website MarriageByRedesign.com

10 Reasons Why I love My Husband

It’s so healthy in a marriage to recognize why you love your husband and in addition, to acknowledge to your husband why you do love him.
When you recognize your husband’s greatness’s you stay focused on what makes you happy. When you acknowledge this to your husband, it keeps him focused on why he loves and married you!

1. My husband asks me about me day and then listens in a way that shows me he’s interested.
2. My husband initiates doing something special for just for the two of us regularly.
3. My husband knows the special dates in our life.
4. My husband will go grocery shopping for us and or with me.
5. My husband turns off his technology instruments to spend time with me.
6. My husband makes me laugh.
7. My husband buys me gifts just because.
8. My husband knows my love language and acts upon my needs.
9. My husband doesn’t look at other women in front of me.
10. My husband is a fantastic snuggler.
In order to keep your marriage happy and healthy, I encourage you to list 10 reasons why you love your spouse and acknowledge your spouse for doing so!