10 Reasons to Start Using Screen Recording Right Now

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Have you never tried using screen recording in the past? It isn't exactly new but it has been starting to get more and more popular recently and there's no better time to start using it. If you're still on the fence about screen recording, here are 10 reasons why you should get off the fence and onto a screen recorder right now...

10 - Operating systems now include built-in screen recorders

Don't worry if you don't have a screen recorder as operating systems are starting to include them built-in. While third-party screen recorders still have a part to play and offer more features, platforms such as iOS, Windows 10 and the new MacOS Mojave have basic built-in recorders that you can take advantage of.

9 - More user-friendly than ever

Screen recorders have become more user-friendly over the years, and gone are the days when you would need technical expertise to use one. In some cases such as with Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac ( www.movavi.com/screen-recorder-mac/ ) you can set it all up and start recording in minutes - even on your first go.

8 - Save online streaming videos

Online streaming videos are practically everywhere, but most don't have an option to 'save' the video so it can be watched sometime else without having to be online. Using screen recording will let you record the video from your screen so that you can save it.

7 - Save video calls

The same way it can save online streaming videos, screen recording can save video calls as well. In short, the next time you have an important call or business meeting on Skype or some other platform, you could save it so that you're able to refer back to it as required.

6 - Save disappearing social media content

One of the more recent trends to hit social media is 'disappearing' content that vanishes after a fixed duration. As you can probably guess you could use screen recording to save it, though there are privacy issues to think about if you opt to do this.

5 - Save live videos and events

Livestreamed content has been steadily growing in popularity, and while there are lots of entertaining livestreams - if you aren't free to catch them live you could miss out. With screen recording however that won't be an issue, seeing as you could record and save the live video and watch it at your leisure.

4 - Create how-to guides

Undoubtedly the most popular reason to use screen recording is so that you can create how-to guides involving anything digital. Aside from the fact that you can create video content of your own in this way, it will also help if you ever need to explain something to a friend or family member.

3 - Show tech support the issues you have

Have you ever spent ages struggling to explain the issue you were facing to tech support? By recording a video you don't need to try to describe issues that you encounter as you can record videos of them instead.

2 - Capture video game footage

If you're a gamer then screen recording is definitely going to be useful since it will let you record footage of your favourite games. In short, you could use it to show off your skills, save your accomplishments, or even just record funny in-game moments.

1 - Record expert interviews

Yet another type of content that you can create with screen recording would be expert interviews. In the past, these interviews were mostly recorded in face-to-face sessions, but with screen recording, you can conduct and record them via video calls. Often this is preferable to both parties, as it is much more convenient.

While it is safe to say that not every single of these ten reasons will apply to you, odds are there are at least some that do. At the end of the day however you should have a much better idea of how useful screen recording could be, and what you could do with it.

Everything listed above is really just the tip of the iceberg, but to sum it up - screen recording is easy, convenient and will let you save anything that you want from your screen
or create a wide range of content.

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