10 Days of Giving

By Afternoonlattes

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill 

The year is coming to a close in a month, which means its time for us all to reflect on these past months. Did you accomplish any of the goals you set last new years?  Did you reconnect with that old friend? Did you travel the world? Every year were given a chance to change ourselves, in fact every day we wake up were given that chance. Many of us are blessed in what we have- a family, a place to call home, an education. We have everything we could ask for and more. Sure maybe we don’t have that pair of shoes we’ve been staring at for months, or the scarf that sold out in minutes, or maybe we didn’t get the job we were dying to have. Even with the little things that we don’t always get, theres so much we have that we need to be thankful for. Im thankful for my family who are always there for me even when I do wrong. Im thankful for my friends who keep me going. Im thankful for the people iv met, both good and bad, that showed me how to live. Im thankful I can walk- because I know some people that can’t. Im thankful I can speak and be heard. Im thankful that Im me, insecurities and all.

When you sit back and think, there is so much to be thankful for. So many things we overlook because we feel its a right. Thanksgiving is this week and just like the name its a time to give thanks.

This year to give thanks to God for everything I have been blessed with, I am creating what I call 10 days of giving. For the next 10 days, I will do something each day that could potentially save a persons life. Something like, visit a homeless shelter, donate food, give money, or even talk to someone in need. The reason I’m doing this is to show gratefulness for what I have and to understand that not everyone is as blessed as me and not everyone has what I take for granted everyday.

For the next 10 days I will try to make a difference, I will give what I have and in return ill learn. Stay tuned to see what I attempt(: