10 Amazing Uses For Epsom Salt

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
10 Amazing Uses For Epsom Salt

Have you ever wondered which is the secret ingredient in tile cleaners, bath salts, pedicures and hair volumizers? It is Epsom salt!
Epsom salt can be used in each of these treatments, and what is even better, it is an eco- and budget-friendly product. Epsom salt acts as a natural exfoliant and anti-inflammatory remedy.

You can use it to treat dry skin, sore muscles, small wounds, and many diseases. This is due to its high magnesium and sulfate content. Add epsom salt to your bath or foot soak and enjoy a luxurious spa treatment at home.
Epsom salt will make you feel healthy and beautiful and you do not have to go to expensive beauty salons. Check these inexpensive and amazing tips:
1. Soak
Enjoy Epsom salt body soaks more often for a healthier and well hydrated skin. Dissolve 2 cups of Epsom salt in yourbathtub and soak in for 12 minutes. Enjoy such baths three times a week.

2. Summer skin protection
Too much tanning can make your skin dry, and applying sunscreen on your burns is not that easy. Experts recommend exfoliating the skin after a day in the sun, and everytime before you go outside.
Epsom salt shower solution works amazing. Combine 4 ounces of Epsom salt and 4 ounces of coffee grounds. Add a teaspoon of eucalyptus and sesame oil. Stir well. Apply the paste before you take a shower, and rinse.

3. Soothe sore muscles
Epsom salt can help you relieve sore muscles after every hard workout. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into a cup of hot water. Keep the solution in your fridge for 20 minutes. This remedy will provide strong muscle-relaxing properties. Wash and pat try the affected area before you apply the solution.

4. Poison ivy relief
Next time you decide to enjoy the wilderness, make sure you have some Epsom salt compress on hand. Poison ivy rashes are common in those who like long walks in the woods.
Soak a cotton washcloth in an Epsom salt solution. To make the solution combine 2 tablespoons and a cup of water. Apply the cloth directly on the area you want to treat. This will relieve any irritation and swelling.

5. Face care treatment
Epsom salt has amazing exfoliating properties. Use it to clean clogged pores thoroughly. Add half a teaspoon of Epsom salt to your face cleansing cream for better results. Apply it to the skin, rinse with cold water, and pat dry.

6. Bee stings
Epsom salt compress can be used in the treatment of bee stings. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Combine 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt and a cup of cold water. Soak a cotton washcloth in the solution and apply it on the affected area. In cases of severe swelling or heavy breathing seek for medical help immediately.

7. Bath salt
After trying this, you will never buy expensive bath salt again. You can make your own crystals! Combine 2 cups of Epsom salt, a few drops of food coloring and a few drops of fragrance; aucalyptus and vanilla work amazing. Enjoy!

8. Sunburns
Aloe vera is amazing, but some people find it hard to handle. Epsom salt can help you treat mild sunburn irritation, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a cup of water. Keep the solution in a spray bottle and use it whenever you need it.

9. Sleep tight
Epsom can soothe your skin and relax your muscles. This is great for those who have trouble falling asleep. Soak in a warm Epsom salt bath before you go to bed and enjoy a goodnight’s sleep.

10. Hair volumizer
Are you struggling with greasy hair and chemical-loaded hair care products? You are doing it wrong! All you have to do is add some Epsom salt to your conditioner.
Your hair will be super smooth and straight. Make your own hair volumizer: mix equal parts of Epsom salt and hair conditioner. Apply it on your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Do the treatment once a week.

Epsom salt is safe for use, but it contains magnesium, which can be easily absorbed through the skin. In cases of special medical conditions or pregnancy, consult your doctor before using any remedies or supplements.


10 Amazing Uses For Epsom Salt