1 Hour, 1,000 Calories. Title Boxing Club, Allen & McKinney {First Class Free}

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
Disclaimer: I've received complimentary classes for the purposes of learning how great Title Boxing Club is. 
Working out.
It’s good for you and necessary for relieving stress, flexibility and losing weight. But with taking care of the kids, handling work projects and dealing with home responsibilities, it’s impossible most days to find a way to fit it into the schedule. And for a lot of mamas, there’s even guilt attached to taking the time to for you (and honestly, your health), even if it’s only for an hour.

So when we have the opportunity to bust a move, you have to make it count.
That means :30 minutes on the treadmill ain’t gonna cut it. And let’s face it: it’s B-O-R-I-N-G, which is why you aren’t trying hard to work that workout into your day.
And believe me, I had no idea I’d be there girl with boxing gloves throwing an uppercut into a punching bag. Don’t know what that means. Yea, I didn’t either until Title Boxing Club.

But if that idea of “Rocky” doesn’t sound like you either, give me just give me a second.
I bet burning up to 1000 calories an hour does. And getting all that built up stress out of your system does. Maybe it’s the pink gloves and purple wraps that will grab your attention. Or the fact that you have less than 90 days from now before you quite possible need to donn a bathing suit in front of other people…
Whatever your why, you need to give Title Boxing Club, with locations in McKinney and Allen a shot.
Intimidated by the pure concept of boxing?  I was too, but only a few minutes in class I had comfort in what I was doing and after just one class, I knew that I had gotten a full body work out that made me feel stronger, focused and ready to take on the fun of picking up kids, grocery shopping and the email list sitting on my iPad.
And all it took was one hour.
I didn’t have a clue what to expect when I walked in the door for my first class, but immediately someone showed me exactly how to put on my wraps, put on my gloves and how the class worked. However, if the Type A part of your brain wants to be ready to go on the first time, there’s a great video on how to wrap your hands or feel free to have one of the team members show you how each time you come until you have the hang of it.

Class breakdown: ·  The first 15 of class is the warm up: You’ll get your blood pumping with a complete range of exercises including stretching, jogging, calisthenics, jumping, lunging and squats. ·  The second part of class consists of 30 minutes working with the bag: The bulk of your workout is set up in three minute rounds that include basic boxing combinations followed by a one minute “active rest.” This gives you a break, while keeping your heart rate up. ·    The last 15 minutes is sculpting and resistance: You’ll use workout gear and body resistance to strengthen your core and sculpt your body while cooling down with floor work and toning exercises. What I really love about Title Boxing Club is that everyone gets a workout. I’ve seen men and women, every color and ethnicity and all ages throwing punches and kicking the bag all in the name of fitness.

Still not convinced it’s for you? Then try it free!
The first class is free, so you can find out how amazing Title Boxing Club is and how quick you’ll be ready for your next class.
And it’s only one hour. And 1,000 calories...
Title Boxing Club, Allen 300 N. Greenville Allen, TX 75002 (214) 644-2640 http://www.facebook.com/TITLEBoxingClubAllen
Title Boxing Club, McKinney 5080 Virginia Pkwy McKinney, TX 75070 (214) 856-7007
For other locations, visit http://www.titleboxingclub.com.
 I can’t wait to continue to my journey with you too, so make sure to stay tuned to how I make the “Power Hour” work for me as it will work for you, too!