Reading a Yahoo! article this morning about a deceased man who arranged to automatically send humorous and personal emails from beyond the grave. It might sound morbid or even cruel, but for particularly silly or lighthearted characters (like myself), this sounds like it would have the potential to help in loved ones’ healing after your gone.
Sending email after you’re gone also makes it possible to notify your loved ones of your final wishes, which Dead Man’s Switch calls a kind of “electronic will.” That’s a thought.
On the other hand, the ability to communicate (one way, of course) from beyond the grave (OK, technologically pre-arranged) has the potential to cause a nightmare for one in grief, and could easily cause paranoia, as well as could be perceived as vicious…so posthumous communication could cause serious psychological distress if maliciously composed.
So if you’re a fun-loving jokster surrounded by lovable nuts like yourself, who will miss you, then posthumous emails and videos would be treasures. I, for one, think sending these messages might be a fantastic idea as long as it is good-natured and gentle fun that will not continue past a couple of reminders or that difficult one-year anniversary of coping, maybe serving as tokens of your love and laughter! Posthumous arrangements of emails and videos have the power to comfort and console your loved ones who truly understood you. See the links below:
(However, if you’re a bitter grudge-holder who wants to make people suffer or squirm after you’re gone, please resist the urge to use this information. I wouldn’t want to facilitate pure evil, so please disregard the following service links if you have an ax to grind.)
Or, if you’re a bit of control freak (which is understandable since our reputations are often immortalized in print and on our headstones), then you could also write your own obituary using this service:
More on how to prepare your Facebook in case you…em, expire:
NOTE: Do not ignore maintenance emails from these services. If you employ these services and arrange your messages and their recipients, then please DO make certain to keep in touch with your application every 30 days or so, and respond to any emails/links in order to keep your arrangements from being activated and your messages sent. Should you forget, remain among the living, and your messages/notifications are released while you’re alive, then it could be a little awkward for you, especially if you say in a message/video/email all the things you always wanted to say in life but couldn’t. lol
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