#013 – Out of Coffee: Snarky but Acceptable Notices to Hand Out

By Legosneggos @LegosnEggos

Keep in mind that I am usually a pretty kind person, but this kind of attitudinal post is what gets thrown up when I am out of coffee and have to deal with everyday frustrations without it.

#1 — The Awk(ward) Card – for when a blank-faced, “I don’t know how to respond to that” just won’t suffice:

#2 — To the obnoxious cell phone users and habitual texters in public places (needs updating):

#3 — To the Cutter in Traffic whose mother taught him that he was too brilliant to wait his turn like  the rest of us:

#4 — To the sweet geeky kid who’s been bullied enough and finally realizes (along with his parents) that public schools are powerless to help him (along with instructions on how to fight back):

#5–  To the otherwise beautiful girl who feels the need to entertain the camera with a street-credible smirk:

#6 — To the Jersey Shorts/Snooki wannabes:

#7 —  To the lippy teenagers and condescending young adults at home.  I’m laminating mine.:

#8 — To anyone who interacts with very small children:

#9 — To anyone who disagrees with what is clearly a valid and reasonable point:

And lastly — #10 — to our own family members from whom we sometimes require a reprieve.  (Just keep it in the kid’s handwriting; it’s so much more effective, don’t you think?):