Zimmerman Trial Week 2 Highlights

Posted on the 07 July 2013 by Mikeb302000

Associate Medical Examiner Shiping Bao told jurors Friday that Martin was alive from one to 10 minutes after he was shot in the heart by Zimmerman. Later, he conceded that his testimony was different from a deposition he gave last year in which he said the teen lived one to three minutes after the gunshot. During a prickly cross-examination, Bao said it was possible Martin may have been able to move after being shot. That is important because Martin's arms are positioned differently in a photo than the way Zimmerman described them being after he fired the shot.

Zimmerman lied about almost everything. Innocent good guys who are forced to defend themselves don't do that.  Guilty vigilante-minded killers who are also stupid do.
My prediction: he'll be acquitted just like O.J. Simpson.