Zimm/ Martin..Again, & Michael Savage is A Horses Patootie.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Don’t Know His Arse From His Elbow

FOTM’S  poetpoet has brought to my attention that Savage has said that Zimmerman was “Guilty”. So I did a little checking and sure enough the schmuck does declare him guilty.

Ummm, well there are a couple of problems with his explanation. I will give you a link to an Audio File (About 3:00 Min) It’s Savages Reasoning. Then Below that is Transcript of part of 911 call and actual recording.

Savage says Zimmerman guilty

Click here to listen to Michael’s commentary on the Zimmerman case

Savage says  ”OK Sir, Stay in your car do not pursue him.” He says Zimm got out after being told to stay in. Read the transcript and listen to dispatcher tape.

This has been one of the biggest misunderstandings of whole case. He was out of car. He then called 911, they said “are you out of car and he said yes” They said “go back to car ” and Zimm says “OK”and he did. He did not stalk Martin.

Zimmerman 911 call transcript

Zimmerman: He’s running.

911 dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood.

911 dispatcher: OK, which entrance is that he’s headed towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance. [Under his breath, ‘F-ing c**ns’]

911 dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah

911 dispatcher: OK. We don’t need you to do that.

Click here to listen to the segment of the 911 call

~Steve~                                         H/T  FOTM’S  poetpoet