ZEO: Delicious New Soft Drink

By Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

Almost everybody knows they shouldn’t drink carbonated beverages made with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Corn syrup feeds bacteria that live in the mouth, and that’s bad news for tooth enamel. Sadly, artificial sweeteners bring their own destructive challenge to the mouth: the chemicals in artificial sweeteners are bad for the gums.

Try tangy ZEO drinks with fresh lemon, lime, or orange. Photo Credit: MF Photos

The truth about soft drinks

Soft drinks are bad for you. According to Rashid A. Butta, (“The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away”) popular phosphoric acid-laden colas are a nightmare. The concentrates used to make these bone-softening drinks are transported by trucks which bear warning signs of “Hazardous Materials”!

Indeed they are. The same drinks are used by highway crews to quickly clear the biological remains of tragic accidents. Use this kind of beverage to dissolve an entire nail in less than four days!

The authors of “Skinny Bitch,” say these drinks are actually liquid Satan.  Most nutritionists would agree.

How natural are natural flavours?

And what about the “natural flavours” promise on so many drink bottles? Unfortunately, natural flavours, such as cherry, blueberry, or black raspberry, don’t have to come from fruit sources to be labeled as such. The chemist at work can use natural ingredients of any origin to manufacture what seems like unnatural flavours to you and me!

Traditional cola drinks aren’t good for teeth, gums, or bones. Photo Credit: MF Photos

Ideal carbonated soda beverage

Yet carbonated drinks are one of the great pleasures of life. Where does one find a carbonated drink that is also healthy?

“The Everyday Green Living Book” reports that consumers want their soda to include:

  • natural carbonated water, such as from a spring

  • low sugar (e.g. sugar from beets), Stevia-sweetened (natural leaf sweetener that adds zero calories), or no sugar

  • natural flavours (derived from the labeled plant source)

  • natural colours (colours extracted and concentrated from a plant source, e.g. berries)

  • natural agents, e.g. pectin for body or citric acid (Vitamin C) to add tang or zest

ZEO Drinks are an example of a new soft drink that have what people are looking for in a super-healthy soft drink.

Does your strawberry soda have any real strawberry flavour? Photo Credit: MF Photos