Zebra Dress and Hot Pink Tights (Outfit)

By Themowway @themowway
Primark Zebra dress and hot pink tights  - TheMowWay.comPrimark sometimes carries the most amazing items. The quality might not be the best, but over the years shops like Zara, Mango, etc have been lowering the quality of many of their items and just raising their prices. This Zebra dress was one of my finds some time ago. The print is pretty perfect (I looove Zebras!) and it's so easy to wear from summer to winter! Primark Zebra dress and hot pink tights  - TheMowWay.com Primark Zebra dress and hot pink tights  - TheMowWay.comIt's no secret that I love second handshopping. I love rumaging around piles of clothes and finding that very special item that makes my day. The cheaper the better. This girl loves a bargain!Not long ago I heard of this lovely little shop called Kauf Vintage in the city center of Valencia, so I decided to stop by and see what they had! I was delighted, they shop it self is an authentic beauty. When I have a studio, hope it looks like this :) Primark Zebra dress and hot pink tights  - TheMowWay.com I ussually get looked at while walking down the street (alreary rambled on about it here) but these tights... omg they were loud! What a hit! Haha! I will be wearing these tight with this clutch very soon again, don't they look like they were made to be worn together?? Nino was looking much more "normal", although theose sunnies are pretty rad!    Very often I get comments saying "love this (whatever), wish I could pull it off!" or " I wish I had the courage to wear something like this" or even "if I wore this, I would look ridiculose!".Can I be honest? That's nonsense. My motto in fashion (and also many other parts of my life is:
"People will stare, make it worth their while".
I would love to hear your thought on this?Do you wear what you like? Or are you concerned about the opinion of others?
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