Zara Asymmetrical Dress (Outfit)

By Themowway @themowway  - Zara asymmetrical dress (Outfit)Love this Zara asymmetrical dress, it makes the perfect outfit and it has absolutelly everything I would ask for: it's light and breezy, it drapes beautifully. It has clashy patterns, colours and layers. And my super favourite: it's versatile, easy to dress us or down! The only down side is that it's quite long, so I am unable to wear it with flats (unless I chop a few inches off)  - Zara asymmetrical dress (Outfit)
As you can see by the photos, this is an old outfit! We took these photos a year ago and they've been sitting since then in an abandoned file on Nino's PC! I found a few more, so I night be sharing these older photos! This is nice, as it helps me realice how far we've come (photographically wise!). I have a serious problem organizing my photos. I think I need to buy a portable memory and carry it around with me...  - Zara asymmetrical dress (Outfit)  When the wind blows the back part of the dress flaps like a super hero cape. And I like that. :)
What I wore: Dress: ZaraHead piece c/o* Oasap (last seen here!)Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (similar: here) (last seen here and here)

What about you? Do you "loose" photos on your computer?

How do you organice them to avoid losses?
Share with us your photo storing tips, please! :)
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