Megapower Star Ram Charan’s Bollywood debut Zanjeer after facing lots of delays was finally locked in to release on September 6. There were a couple of biggies planned to release on the same date earlier but they were postponed to a later date much to the delight of the Zanjeer unit. Everything seemed to have been going smoothly until today, when an upcoming film from Yash Raj Productions, Shuddh Desi Romance which was slated to release on September 13, a week later, has been preponed.
Shuddh Desi romance starring Sushanth Sigh Rajput will now clash with Ram Charan’s debut Zanjeer at the box office. One has to wait and see if Zanjeer sticks to this date or moves forward further, given how the Telugu release of the actor, Yevadu, in all likelihood is going to be postponed as well. Zanjeer was simultaneously slated to release as Thoofan in Telugu. Priyanka Chopra acts as heroine in the film.
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