Yummy Lactation Goodies Ft. Baking Mama

By Chaayen

Call me a sua-ku, but I honestly didn't know that there was so many variety when it comes to lactation goodies. If you have been following my breastfeeding journey, you would know that I have been using lactation goodies to boost my supply. 

We came across Baking Mama recently and was impressed by the variety. In their lactation menu (they have a normal menu by the way), you can find cookies, grandola, brownies, mushi-pan and even teas. We had the luxury to try a few of each and decided to jot a review here for other Mummies who are keen to try them out. 

Day 1 Breakfast
We started with a bottle of Mulberry Rose (3 for $25) which I had it warm. This is my first time having this drink combination and you can taste the spiciness. Baking Mama is very generous with their ingredients. The Blueberry Maple Mumffin (4 for $20) was stuffed with so many blueberries, it is probably the most I have ever seen in a muffin. The double coco mushi-pan was absolutely delicious, in fact their chocolate products are all really good!

If you are a breastfeeding mum, you would know how hungry we get after every session. These little classic chocolate chip cookies ($25) are my go to in-between meals. Honestly, it was really hard to stop eating these goodies. I had to stop myself every time. The good thing about Baking Mama is that she has a non-lactation series, so even after the breastfeeding journey, we can still continue snacking on her goodies. 

Day 2 Breakfast
I had Mulberry Rose cold this time round and I find that it definitely taste much better. For breakfast, I had Banana Walnut Mumffin (4 for $20) and 200% Lactation Brownies (4 for $25). For the Mumffins, you can really taste the oats being used. If you are not used to such textures, you can choose their other goodies. The brownies is my 2nd most favorite item. I eat it without heating it up. But if you are not lazy like me, you should heat it up. The chocolate within it will melt and it will probably taste a lot like a molten lava cake. 

Subsequent breakfast ($25)
Somehow I ended up saving the best for the last. Although many places serve granola, Baking Mama's was the best. It has a nice mixture of nuts and fruits and has a nice savoury taste. It was very different from all the granolas I have ever tasted. I love it and it is the first time I ever had problems to stop eating granola! I would really recommend this if you love granola. If you are wondering of the effectiveness, generally Baking Mama helped me to maintain my supply during this stressful period. For lactating Mummies living on the East side, do give them a try!***Follow "Breastfeeding Journey" tags for tips to make the breastfeeding experience bearable!