
Posted on the 21 December 2013 by Clairejustalittleless

The sun has risen on the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. A day to be celebrated, as following this night the sun grows stronger in the sky and the days will become gradually longer once more.

Sunset has already been getting later in the evenings since the 15th although sunrise will continue to darken until January 5th.

Yule...  a time to be with loved ones, to eat and sleep well, light candles and embrace the bleak beauty of winter. A celebration that focuses on love, rebirth and looking forward to a new year.
Tonight I'm happy to be home with my family - to embrace the dark nights, frosty mornings and magnificent sunsets of the season.
There is so much to look forward to. The Christmas tree has been decorated, candles are lit and there is plenty of food in the house. Tomorrow there will be two more seconds daylight than today and on Christmas Day there will be forty four more seconds. On January 1st there will be six minutes and fourteen more seconds daylight than today. And by February 1st there will be one hour, twenty one minutes and four seconds more daylight than this day. 
Happy winter solstice everybody!

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