Yuck – “Rebirth”

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

Yuck goes shoegaze.  After the departure of their frontman, Daniel Blumberg, the band decided to keep moving forward without him.  This is the first new music they’ve released since his departure and the title, “Rebirth”, is quite fitting.  While they’ve still got noisy guitars and forward drumming, the band’s sense of melody and harmony has changed drastically.  ”Rebirth” is more of a shoegaze jam than they’ve previously ventured towards on their debut self-titled effort.  The track also features some of the forgotten trademarks that shoegaze held in the early 90s—washed out FM synths and deep, shimmery chorus on the guitars.  The band is releasing the single as a free download via their new website.

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