YouTube Video Process Post: Making a Miniature Bookbag

By Jardley @jardster

Earlier this week, I started and completed my first ever self initiated 3D piece, well since childhood since I get technical like that.

Finished Bookbag

Last week, I brainstormed what I wanted to create and record for the new channel , and came up with a bookbag. I knew I wanted the material to be as close to that of say a Jansport bookbag without being of the same actual fabric. I sketched out what I wanted the bookbag to look like, decided on an old T-shirt which I painted with acrylic and got to work after watching a how to on sewing by the Crafty Gemini on Youtube:

I’ve never sewn anything before and I’m very impressed with myself and very happy with the outcome of the piece.

In Progress

In Progress

Almost There