This functionality will appear as an “Edit video” button on yours “My videos” page, which will let you add a little something to your videos in they way you want. In my opinion, the mission is to provide the users with tools that not only add new effects but also to fix some problems on their videos real quick. You can check the features explained in this video:
You can edit any video you own, even if it is pretty old. The tools will give yopu options to reduce the excess footage, rotate, stabilize and of course tha basic attributes changes to make things brighter, warmer, or more saturated. As a bonus thing, this is actually I liked the most, it is also possible to add Instagram-like filters. The only rule is that you cannot edit a video that already has more than 1000 views. This makes sense if you do not want to upset or confuse people that like a popular video. Actually, it makes sense. Imagine if Rebbeca Black – Friday video was edited to an acceptable one.
Any video edited will keep the same video ID. Moreover, there is an option that allows you to chose to save a new copy in order to keep the original. Remember that you will be able to revert the changes made as long as your video hass less than 1000 views.
This new features are not the most complete set but still is the beggining of providing cloud based video editing tools to end users.