Youth and Government

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
Shortly after school started, the brunette twin came home and announced she was going to join Youth and Government. She was very excited about the program.  There were several planning meetings. She was required to wear business clothes. She enjoyed working on her topic. She found other students working on similar topics, so they all collaborated.  She decided she wouldn't do it again next year while she was packing. She decided that she wanted to try Model U.N. We told her to try and have fun any way. She got on the bus at 6:30 a.m. The next time we saw her was Sunday night. She arrived home with a huge smile on her face. The brunette twin had story after story after story after story about the weekend. She had so much fun. We were so very happy.  Now she wants to do it again as a junior. She's already making plans with her roommates to room together again. There's nothing better than watching your child find something that makes her so happy.