Your Stories: Nepali Love Story

By Englishwifeindianlife

Moving North of India, to Nepal. Beautiful Hanna, from England, fell in love with a Nepali guy and fell head first into Nepali culture. She traveled to Nepal where she lived with her boyfriend and his three generation traditional Brahmin joint family. With grace and determination she adapted to a new way of living, a way of life that she might one day adopt for life… I never imagined for one minute that I would be in a relationship, let alone commit to an intercultural one! But when I met M we just clicked and after a week I was sure he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Sadly, we did not get to spend so much time together as after six months into our relationship, he left to go back to Nepal for a year. It was strange suddenly going into a long distance relationship, especially as we were both about to start such different paths in life with university and work. I am so blessed though as M gave me as much time as he could and we managed to stay strong over the eight months apart. Not being able to wait any longer, [...]