Your Stories: Garba Love

By Englishwifeindianlife

This girl has some of my favorite eyebrows, a weird thing to say, but it’s true! Beautiful Nicole is from Illinois and she fell in love with a Gujarati. They knew they were made for each other and nothing could stop them being together. Please remember, it’s Nicole Pithva, not Nicole Patel… Life before meeting my husband was a struggle, I’m the type of person who likes to get things done my way and by myself. I had been in a relationship for seven years and we had lived together for five of them. During most of our time together, he didn’t work. A few years into our relationship he decided to go to college, but that still left me paying the bills. I had to work an insane amount each week just to keep a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. My family and friends told me many times that I deserved better, but I had not met anyone else that I could see myself with. I was stuck in a rut. That was until a few loud “Gujju” boys moved into the apartment across from mine, I could tell they were Gujarati as I had been a nanny to a Gujarati family for three years. [...]